› Novel strategies for determining sparse components in PCA and PLS regression -
14:00-14:20 (20min)
› Preliminary study of hyperspectral imaging and class‐modelling approach for honey authentication - Silva Carolina, University of Malta
14:20-14:40 (20min)
› Pairing PTR‐MS with TDS or TCATA? - Caroline Peltier, AgroSup Dijon
14:40-15:00 (20min)
› TDS or TCATA: product discrimination or panelist repeatability? - Pascal Schlich, CESG
15:20-15:40 (20min)
› A modified chi‐square framework for the analysis of multiple‐response data: application to Free‐Comment and Check‐All‐That‐Apply sensory data -
15:40-16:00 (20min)
› Optimized time periods segmentation in TDS and TCATA -
16:00-16:20 (20min)
› Of aircrafts, microbes and statistics. A demonstration of how limitations in data gathering can induce bias in meta‐regression models for predictive microbiology - Alberto Garre, Wageningen University
16:40-17:00 (20min)
› The Third French Individual and National Food Consumption (INCA3) Survey 2014-2015 and data for microbiological risk assessment: Models for domestic refrigerator temperatures. - Juliana De Oliveira Mota, ANSES
17:00-17:20 (20min)
› Data‐driven modelling for the effect of climate on raw cow milk production traits: the Maltese case study - Lydia Katsini, KULeuven
17:20-17:40 (20min)
› Modelling population growth just became easier with the R package biogrowth and its shiny web application - Alberto Garre, Wageningen University
17:40-18:00 (20min)
› Machine Learning strategies to obtain valency scores from Free JAR data - Alexiane Luc, Oniris
14:00-14:20 (20min)
› Multivariate analysis of Just-About-Right scale data with optimal scaling - Martin Paries, Oniris
14:20-14:40 (20min)
› CATA data: Are there differences in perception? - Fabien Llobell, Addinsoft – XLSTAT
14:40-15:00 (20min)
› Less data, same relevance: optimizing paired comparisons sensory evaluation -
15:00-15:20 (20min)
› How statisticians can help dogs shape their summer body: validation of a new method to assess dog food satiating performance - Céline BARON, Diana Pet Food
15:20-15:40 (20min)
› An original application of WSP algorithm to select the best extra 28 virgin olive oils awarded in an international contest - Cathy Rebufa, Fabien Girard
16:10-16:30 (20min)
› Effect of Four Hydrocolloids on Textural Quality Attributes of Gluten-Free Batter and Bread - Christian Encina-Zelada, CIMO Mountain Research Centre
16:30-16:50 (20min)
› Effect of partial substitution of wheat flour with lupine (Lupinus mutabillis) and kaniwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule) flours on cookie quality - Alvaro Bracamonte-Herrera, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
16:50-17:10 (20min)
› Optimization of a photocatalytic water treatment using response surface methodology and desirability function - Mountassir El Mouchtari
17:10-17:30 (20min)